PEC: e-mail sala di studio:  e-mail:   tel: 0321/398229

Archivio di Stato di Novara

Distribution, publication of images and rental places


Pursuant to article 108, paragraph 3b of D.Lgs (Italian Legislative Decree) no. 42 of 22 January 2004 and subsequent amendments and additions on the “Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code”, the distribution of images of documents preserved in the institution, acquired by users for study purposes and scientific research or personal use and for non-commercial ends or for the purposes set out in paragraph A.2.1 of Decreto Ministeriale 21 marzo 2024, n. 108, In this case it is sufficient to send an email specifying which document you wish to publish and where (i.e. the book or website). In any event, the author must clearly indicate the archival record, which can be provided by this Institution if necessary. The Institution will respond to the author’s request with written confirmation.



The publication of properly acquired archive documents for commercial purposes and the rental placdes are subject to the payment of the relative license fee (1), according to this Price list. As well as paying the license fee, pursuant to articles 5-6 of Annex A of DPR (Italian Presidential Decree) 642/1972, authorisations for publication also require the application of 2 revenue stamps of 16 euro each (2).

Academics interested in publishing Archive documents are requested to write an email to the State Archive of Novara at in advance with the details on the proposed publication - number of images, type of publication, circulation or number of downloads expected in the case of an online publication, the publication sale price (where applicable) - in order that the relative fee be established according to Ministerial Decree 21 march 2024, n. 108.

A written reply will be provided with the relative quote for the license fee due.


1) Payment of license fee

As reiterated in the quote sent by this Institution, the relative license fee must be paid via the PagoPA website, "Pagamenti on line” (Online Payments) section:  


2) Revenue stamps

The authorisation of the publication also requires the application of two digital revenue stamps, which must be attached to the pdf file of e-mail sent according to the quote.

Each digital revenue stamp must be applied to the pdf file of e-mail via the "Acquista @e.bollo" page at

IMPORTANT: to ensure the correct upload of the stamp, attach the form filled out in full and then select the institution from the dropdown menu (State Archive of Novara) and proceed with the payment. 


Publication authorisation will be issued once all payments have been correctly verified.

Finally, the publication must cite the provenance of the documentation and the relative archive record. At least one copy of the publication in print or digital form must be provided to the State Archive of Novara.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 11/09/2024