PEC: e-mail sala di studio:  e-mail:   tel: 0321/398229

Archivio di Stato di Novara

Policy on the processing of personal data pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679

Data controller

The data controller is the Ministry of Culture, via del Collegio Romano 27, 00186 – Rome,
Public relations office telephone number: +39 06 67235338 – +39 06 67235339 – +39 06 67235340
The Ministry performs the role of data controller via a number of parties indicated by Ministerial Decree 147/2019, and more specifically: Direzione generale Archivi (Archive General Management) - DGA

Data protection officer

Pursuant to art. 37 of EU Regulation 2016/679 “General Data Protection Regulation” (hereinafter also “GDPR”), the Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Mr. Antonio Francesco Artuso, Manager of Service I of Direzione Generale Organizzazione (Archive General Management), appointed with Ministerial Decree no. 362 of 15 October 2021, who can be contacted in the following ways: email: PEO: (Ordinary email), PEC: (Certified email).

Personal data subject to processing

  • Browsing data
    During the ordinary course of operations, the IT systems and software procedures for running this website acquire some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols (IP address). This information is not collected to be associated with identified data subjects but, due to its nature, could be used to identify users following processing and associations with data held by third parties. This data is also used to the extent strictly necessary and proportionate for the purposes of ensuring network and information security, i.e. the ability of a network or an information system to resist, at a given level of confidence, accidental events or unlawful or malicious acts that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of stored or transmitted personal data, and the security of the related services offered by, or accessible via, those networks and systems.
  • Data provided voluntarily by the user
    The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of emails to the addresses indicated on this website involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, required in order to reply to said requests, as well as any other personal data within the message. As indicated in Legislative Decree 196/03, it is hereby guaranteed that the processing of said data shall be performed in accordance with the principles of fairness, legality, transparency and confidentiality. Specific policy summaries will be reported or shown on the pages of websites dedicated to specific services on request.
  • Cookies
    Cookies are small blocks of data (letters and/or numbers) which enable the web server to memorise information on the client (the browser) that can be reused during the same visit to the website (session cookies) or even days later (persistent cookies). The cookies are stored, according to the user’s preferences, by the individual browser on the specific device used (computer, tablet, smartphone).

Subjects authorised to process data and processing methods

The processing of personal data by the Data Controller is performed exclusively by authorised or appointed personnel that have received prior training and the relative instructions. Specific security, technical and organisational measures are adopted to protect data against modification, destruction, loss, theft, misuse or illegal use.

Location of data processing and data subjects

Personal data is processed on the premises of the Data Controller or Data Processors by automated means and for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, in accordance with the confidentiality and security regulations currently in force. No data is disseminated. The personal data provided by users is used strictly to perform the service requested and may be communicated to other personnel authorised to process data within the MiC (Ministry of Culture) and to other public and private parties only in the case that this is required by law.

Data storage period

In order to guarantee fair and transparent processing, data is stored for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or subsequently processed, in accordance with legal obligations. Personal data will be processed with respect for the principle of “storage limitation” pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 1, letter e) of the GDPR

Types of cookies
It is possible to identify different categories of cookies based on their characteristics and function:

  •  Technical cookies. These cookies are strictly necessary for the correct functioning of websites and are used to manage logins, access to reserved functions and correct browsing in dynamic sections of the website. The duration of these cookies is limited to the work session. This website uses cookies of this type.
  • Profiling cookies. Targeting cookies are permanent cookies used to identify (both anonymously and not) user preferences and improve the browsing experience. This website does not use cookies of this type.

Cookie duration
The cookies used by this website become invalid after a period of user inactivity fixed by the server.

Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are cookies sent to the user’s computer by other websites different to the one they are browsing. Third-party cookies are cookies generated by viewing content on the website you are visiting but which originate from external servers. For example, third-party cookies may be stored on your computer when you view content such as YouTube videos, Google Maps or similar on the website. These cookies can be used by third parties to record the use of the website for marketing purposes.

Managing cookies
In general, users can in any case decide whether to accept cookies or not in their browser settings.
Internet Explorer
Settings can be defined specifically for different websites and web applications.

Cookies used on this website

This website uses technical cookies which are necessary for the correct functioning of the site and always enabled. Other cookies (profiling cookies) may be used to personalise content, to add third-party content and for the statistical analysis of accesses to the website and are only enabled following the explicit consent of the user.

It is possible to change your consent preferences at any time by clicking on the icon in the bottom right.

Below is a detailed list of all of the cookies that may be used on the website.

Technical cookies (necessary for the proper functioning of the website)





Third party


1 year

Makes it possible to memorise Cookie Policy preferences


DP Cookie Consent



Used to identify a backend session when a user is authenticated in the backend





Used to validate a System Maintenance Area / “Install Tool” session





Memorises information on the last Backend authentication at the moment of authentication




Profiling cookies





Third party


8 months

Used to reproduce YouTube videos incorporated in pages of the website.





Used to reproduce YouTube videos incorporated in pages of the website. It is created during the upload of the video.





Website content uploaded in iframe by suppliers of third-party content like YouTube may create cookies and therefore require the preliminary consent of the visitor.




8 months

Used by Google to memorise YouTube preferences and information.




Questa informativa sull’utilizzo dei cookie è resa all’utente in attuazione del provvedimento del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali dell’8 maggio 2014 “Individuazione delle modalità semplificate per l’informativa e l’acquisizione del consenso per l’uso dei cookie” e nel rispetto dell’art. 13 del Codice privacy (D.Lgs. n. 196/2003).
Questo sito utilizza cookie per garantire il corretto funzionamento delle procedure. In questa pagina sono riportate informazioni sull’uso dei cookie e di tecnologie similari, su come sono utilizzati e su come gestirli.
I cookie sono brevi frammenti di testo (lettere e/o numeri) che permettono al server web di memorizzare sul client (il browser) informazioni da riutilizzare nel corso della medesima visita al sito (cookie di sessione) o in seguito, anche a distanza di giorni (cookie persistenti). I cookie vengono memorizzati, in base alle preferenze dell’utente, dal singolo browser sullo specifico dispositivo utilizzato (computer, tablet, smartphone).
Tecnologie similari, come, ad esempio, web beacon, GIF trasparenti e tutte le forme di storage locale introdotte con HTML5, sono utilizzabili per raccogliere informazioni sul comportamento dell’utente e sull’utilizzo dei servizi.
Nel seguito di questo documento faremo riferimento ai cookie e a tutte le tecnologie similari utilizzando semplicemente il termine “cookie”.
Tipologie di cookie
In base alle caratteristiche e all’utilizzo dei cookie possiamo distinguere diverse categorie:
- Cookie tecnici. Si tratta di cookie strettamente necessari, indispensabili per il corretto funzionamento dei siti e sono utilizzati per gestire il login, l’accesso alle funzioni riservate e la corretta navigazione nelle parti dinamiche del sito. La durata dei cookie è limitata alla sessione di lavoro. Questo sito utilizza cookie di questo tipo.
- Cookie di profilazione. Si tratta di cookie permanenti utilizzati per identificare (in modo anonimo e non) le preferenze dell’utente e migliorare la sua esperienza di navigazione.Questo sito non utilizza cookie di questo tipo.
Durata dei cookie
Il cookie utilizzato da questo sito termina la propria validità dopo un tempo di inattività dell’utente fissato dal server.
Gestione dei cookie
In generale l’utente può comunque decidere se accettare o meno i cookie utilizzando le impostazioni del proprio browser.
Internet Explorer
L’impostazione può essere definita in modo specifico per i diversi siti e applicazioni web.
Attenzione: la disabilitazione dei cookie tecnici compromette l’utilizzo di alcune funzionalità del sito.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 26/06/2024