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Archivio di Stato di Novara

Manuale di gestione

The Manuale di gestione is adopted by each Area Organizzativa Omogenea - document management division - pursuant to chapter 3.5 of the Guidelines on the creation, management and storage of electronic documents May 2021, issued by AgID (Agency for Digital Italy). The handbook describes the organisational aspects of document management, the formats of administrative documents, the functionalities of computerised registration, classification and filing methods, security measures and measures for the protection of personal data, the document storage system.

The handbook is designed to be widely disseminated both internally and externally as it provides complete instructions for the proper creation, registration, classification, filing and cataloguing of the documents of the Document Management Division - State Archive of Novara.

The document that can be downloaded on this page makes reference to the areas of competence and the functions performed in the sphere of document management by the State Archive of Novara, not only addressing internal operators but, in general, all parties that work with the Institution.

Pursuant to art. 9 of D.Lgs (Italian Legislative Decree) 33/2013, it is published in this Transparent Administration section.

Download the Manuale di gestione


Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/06/2024