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Archivio di Stato di Novara

School projects

In academic year 2018/2019 the Regional Council of Piedmont launched a competition for local schools focused on three topics, one of which entitled "Up close nobody is normal…Forty years from the Basaglia Law". The goal of the projects was to highlight the tricky relationship between mental illness, power and the ideologies of Italian society. Madness, mental illness, mental institutions, psychiatry, stories of distress, of internal suffering, of oppression experienced by men and women, excluded from society and left to fall by the wayside because they were considered unusual, abnormal, different: these were the topics that the students were asked to reflect on when developing their projects.

One of the winners of the competition was class 4B of the Fauser Technical and Technology School of Novara, coordinated by Prof. Anna Cardano, which researched the records of the Psychiatric Hospital of Novara preserved in the State Archive of Novara and created a website (visible from desktop PCs).

It is possible to visit the website by clicking on this link Stories of Novara. Before and after the Basaglia Law.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/06/2024