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Archivio di Stato di Novara

General intendancy of the division of Novara

1814-1861 (with documentation from the 18th century to 1881)

Transfer of the Intendancy office archive. General intendancy archive, Title XIV, Index 3, folder 94, 1832-1837

The archive was deposited by the Prefecture between 1972 and 1973, which took over the functions of the intendenza by royal decree no. 250 of 9 October 1861.
The first reorganisation of the records dates to 1833 when, together with the rearrangement of the layout of the general intendancy, a new classification system was introduced for the archive, as evidenced by correspondence with the azienda economica (economics office) of the Ministry of the Interior in Turin.
This first reorganisation of the system was superseded in full sometime in the middle of the 20th century when the majority of the documents of the suppressed intendancy, which ceased to function in 1861, were moved to a different classification system, organised on the basis of titles and indexes and divided into two distinct parts, General Affairs and Special Affairs of the Municipalities.
General Affairs was structured into 27 titles, each of which, in turn, consisting of a sublevel of indexes. Special Affairs of the Municipalities used the same 2-level structure but was reduced to 11 titles.
The fact that this measure was not completed can be deduced from the gaps in the numbering of the Indexes, both in General Affairs and Special Affairs of the Municipalities.
A large part of the documentation, reconditioned in folders 561-623, was not subject to any classification. This documentation refers to the offices of the Areas of the provinces of Pallanza, Ossola, Valsesia, Lomellina. The archive is completed by the series of protocol registers (1814-1861) and a collection of drawings, taken from their original folders at an unspecified time.

The typewritten inventories of the part related to General Affairs have been digitised and made available in the downloadable files:

- General intendancy of the division of Novara, General Affairs, Drawings


- General intendancy of the division of Novara, Special Affairs of the Municipalities, Pallanza Area, inventory

General intendancy of the division of Novara, Special Affairs of the Municipalities, Pallanza Area, Index of people and places


Ultimo aggiornamento: 20/06/2024